Monday, October 15, 2012

The Universe part 1

It's been a little while and I'm coming back to talk about the universe. The sun makes up 99% of the matter in our solar system. That makes us unbelievably tiny. The sun is relatively small as far as stars go and it is 99% of everything we know. The universe is literally endless . I think that people who don't believe in aliens are the most stupid type of people because everything that could happen will happen, because the universe will never end. There's a saying that if you take a billion monkeys and give them a billion typewriters for a billion years eventually one of them is going to type out a perfect version of the Declaration of Independence. So out in space there is a world just like ours with clones of us and there's a million different variations of that would  be along side it. So think about that, and stay tuned.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Texting for Beginners

There are many ways to sound when texting. Here's some tips to get you sounding how you want.

Greeting- "Hello" is a little frosty and more could use it in an argument of some sort. To sound a bit insecure or submissive say "hi" with all lowercase. To be  more dominant say "Hi" with an uppercase. To be a bit casual you can say "hey" for which the lowercase/uppercase rule doesn't apply. If you're talking to a closer friend it is okay to answer with "Yo", but don't overuse it or use it in situations that it wouldn't be appropriate for.

Smileys- For joking around use :P. For flirting use ;) or ;P. To soften a statement that may sound offensive use :). Using :( or any form of this is not recommended as it can come off as fake to some people.

Closing- For most situations you don't really have to put a period or anything. If you want to sound a little formal, threatening, mad, or sarcastic end with a period. If you are really excited multiple exclamation marks are fine but don't overdo it. Asking a question can be a bit tricky so to sound normal don't use a question mark, if you want to sound more curious use a question mark. Multiple question marks are only okay with close friends or in extreme situations. Ending with a "dot dot dot" is fine with friends but using it too much looks a little strange. 

Case- To be more formal start with an uppercase letter. I usually just use lowercase letters when talking with friends. Uppercase is difficult to use properly I find. When talking to a close friend you can use it for emphasis, shouting, excitement, and whatever. But if you're talking to others try toning it down a bit and only using uppercase in the beginning of sentences.

Names- To be more formal or talk with someone you just met I recommend using uppercase for the first letter of names. Lowercase names are for casual mention usually.

Gibberish- Spouting gibberish is only proper when talking to close friends about being excited or when getting in a horrible accident that causes you to press random buttons on your phone.

Wait time- Answering immediately is the best thing to do. Waiting a little is only okay if you are doing something more important, in which case you should inform them, or if you are purposely not answering them or avoiding them. It's not cool to leave a message unanswered just because you didn't feel like answering the person.

This is all the help I can really give you, the rest is up to you. Good luck and be careful!

Popular Folks

Hey ya' that sounded really bad and Texas-y. Not that there's anything wrong with Texas just that I didn't come from there so I shouldn't really be saying ya'll. So I have a bit of time on my hands and I'm going to tell you about something I discovered. All the people who are popular now are never really going to amount to much. The girls will end up unhappy house wives and the dudes will probably be married to the unhappy housewives and working at a place they hate. The people that really matter are the ones who you don't really notice. The quiet kid sitting in the back might create the equivalent of Apple. The girl who never really speaks up could be the next Suzanne Collins. So, if you are one of those people and go through school wishing to be popular...don't. Because from what I can tell, it's not all it's cracked up to be.

Sunday, October 7, 2012

First Day

So today is my first day blogging. Hi all you kind folks out there...and goodbye.